Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5: Atmosphere Conference: Maria Aiolova

Maria Aiolova: Terreform 1 Lecture

Maria Aiolova is an architect, and urban designer in New York City and the founding co-president of Terreform 1. She spoke about One Lab, which is a school for design & science. It was interesting that they incorporated science with design, which makes sense. The building walls are made from trees.
She also discussed Brooklyn and that there was 93% productive green space in 1776 and today, there is 0. This is quite alarming as it is completely gone and sadly the green space, was there once before. Their goal however, is by 2110, to bring the productive green space up to 75% and have 100% renewable energy and recycled water. I believe that this is quite an encouraging and positive goal to have.
She discussed the possibility of creating cars that will make it impossible for people to get into car accidents. These cars are called: Soft car, Xo lamb, Blimp Bumper Bus, and Soft Mobs. 


Other Projects that she discussed:

Waterfront off Brooklyn
Fab Tree Hab
-house/village made out of trees
Meat House
-an In Vitro Meat Habitat
Rapid Refuse
-what we can do with waste
-24 hour tower
-root structure of mushrooms
-Biological chair

Images: Smart DOTS + Soft MOBS. Maria Aiolova Terreform 1. http://www.aiolova.com/soft.html accessed April 16, 2013.

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