Thursday, April 18, 2013

Seminar 9: Sustainable Resources: Energy and Greenhouse Gases

Date: April 4, 2013
Names: Alicia, Todd, Ivan, Ian, Taylor, Sam, Derek, Krystyl, Chad, Matt
Readings: Bry. Sarté. “Sustainable Infrastructure: The Guide to Green Engineering and Design.” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2010, pp.166-176.
Chosen article:
Abbasi, Tasneem. “ Is the Use of Renewable Energy Sources an Answer to the Problems of Global Warming and Pollution?” Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, Vol.42(2), pp.99-154.
Summary of Readings: Sustainable Infrastructure: The Guide to Green Engineering and Design
This article discusses energy and its basic source such as: transportation, electricity&heat, agriculture, industry, etc. They then discuss how energy sources are harming the environment by these energy sources and humans are to blame for most of the energy being used. We need to change the whole energy system if we want to see a change. They break a successful energy strategy into 4 steps: Reducing the demand for energy through design, using energy efficiency, sustainable power supplies, and considering climate change & reducing our carbon footprint. We can reduce the amount of energy we use in buildings by energy conservation and energy efficiency, according to the article. They also discuss some passive design strategies to improve energy in buildings such as: grid orientation, natural ventilation, and the buildings design and where it is facing.
Is the Use of Renewable Energy Sources an Answer to the Problems of Global Warming and Pollution?
This article questions the actual source of global warming and if using renewable energy sources will solve it in any way. They explain that people have been using renewable energy sources for years, its not a new phenomenon. Also, they discuss solar energy in more detail and how it actual requires lots of energy to make solar energy occur such as: glass and cement and hazardous materials. They emphasize the fact that just because something is a renewable energy source, doesn't mean that it is completely beneficial. Many renewable energy sources actually damage the environment even more just by the way they are developed and made.
Image 1: example of solar panels
Image 2: example of where household energy comes from

Minutes of Seminar Discussion: This seminar discussion was quite interactive and really showed the impacts of renewable energy as they made the class turn their phones and laptops off, then stating how much energy we all saved in the short time they presented. 
What is renewable energy?
-we are not designing well enough to use energy
-we must transition back to renewable resources
Do you agree that it is more about the type of energy or the way we use energy?
-some people believed it was in the way we collected energy
-designers need to design to use less energy
-if the consumer was aware of how much energy they were actually using, it might make a difference
-need to educate the kids today about energy and how important it is
Changes to reduce energy intake aren't going to happen instantaneously. Society isn't changed by the flip of a switch. We as individuals need to start with the things we can control. Today, or on a daily basis what can you do to reduce your energy intake?
-turning off lights
-walking/taking bus
-not leaving chargers in the wall (still using energy even if you're not using them)
-maybe by increasing the price of energy people will change 
-it all has to do with the attitudes of people. If we can design to give the consumer exactly what they want, while reducing energy, we will be on the right track
Based on the individual changes, how to you think this will affect the corporation in terms of producers and gatherers, and how will this affect society?
-We must educate the corporations to design better and give them incentive to change
-if designing with less energy is made popular, it could drive designers to actually want to design with energy efficiency in mind
-organic farming-if the farmers are getting the business they will keep producing organic food
-we must be patient, because it will take some time
-setting laws for energy efficiency also might help drive the change

Reflections: I found this seminar to be quite interesting as it opened my mind about the energy we use. I personally leave my chargers plugged in all day even if I am not using them. I did not know they were using so much energy while just being plugged in. This shows that just the fact of being educated will help drive change to a more energy efficient world. I also was not aware solar energy was harmful to the environment. If people are made aware and care about the energy they are consuming, then our world will be on path of energy efficiency. 

Image 1: "The UK Solar Panel debate-knowing where you stand" Energy Efficiency accessed April 18, 2013
Image 2: "Household energy use:where does the money go?" Green World Pictures accessed April 18, 2013

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